

Alessandra Eramo & Zorka Wollny
Performance, 2018

Performed at: Itinerant Interlude, Liebig12 Berlin
in frame of Transmediale Festival - Vorspiel, 13 February 2018

Alessandra Eramo and Zorka Wollny performed "The Anonymous Song", a new work created especially for the finissage of Ashley M Puente's site-specific A/V installation "The Absent Sound of Light". The evening marked the close of HYPER(SUR)FACES - 3 weeks of programming curated by Allegra Solitude @Liebig12 as part of transmediale and CTM's Vorspiel. The "vocal battle" between the two vocalists interacted with the installation, singing and melting into a single gesture, as dark forces evoked through an anonymous song.

Curated by Laurie Schwartz/Intinerant Interlude. Supported by Initiative Neue Musik Berlin

Two live human voices and the audience. A vocal battle moves in a ritual of friendship, exploring one's own freedom of being ephemeral, a whirling gesture where to meet and confront face to face. Voice to voice, sound to sound, abstract paradigm where dark forces are evoked through an anonymous song. I am my voice: the identity is innocent here and does not need a name. In a game of exchange and listening Wollny and Eramo sing and melt their voices in a single gesture, the breath shortens and lengthens, sound of wild animal stumbling in the same language, laughing, crying, screaming. Together.





Photo: "Impossible Opera" by Zorka Wollny, Edith-Russ-Haus für Medienkunst Oldenburg 2017

More info: Itinerant Interlude